Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Tribune to Scott City, KS

49 miles. Our shortest ride thus far proved to be one of the best. The weather warmed up to nearly 80 degrees, and while we had a brisk cross wind the entire day it was more of a nuisance than a real problem. The ride itself was pretty uneventful. There was a lot more traffic, particularly BFTs (Big Friggin' Trucks), than in any of the past several days. But the truckers and other drivers have been great about going out of their way to give us plenty of room when passing.

As usual, we stopped along the route several times to take breaks and enjoy the scenery (yes, as you can hopefully see from the pictures, there actually are some things worth looking at out here other than the horizon.) We saw several dead pheasants in the road, evidence that the grasses in this area provide enough cover to support the birds. Speaking of birds, despite the wind we again heard what sounds like millions of them. But Penny observed that they generally stop singing the minute the sun goes behind a cloud, then rev up again once the sun comes back out. Does anyone have any idea why that is so? Perhaps we should contact Doctor Science to ask him.

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