The countryside is now very green and picturesque. And - much to our surprise - Kansas actually has some hills. Not big, knee busting ones, but gentle rollers that - with very few exceptions - our loaded tandem handled without us having to "go visit Granny" (i.e., use the small chainring).
We stopped at one point to watch a mini-cattle drive. The cattle, who were being shooed across an adjoining county road, were making an unbelievable racket - mooing, grunting, snorting, you name it.
You would have thought they were headed to
the packing plant rather than another field full of stuff to eat. I tried to capture the episode on video but I must have goofed as it didn't work.
We tried to go to dinner at the only cafe in town, but discovered it was permanently closed.* That's a phenomenon we have found in many small towns we have visited - cafes, stores, motels, etc., don't generate enough business to stay open. It's sad, many of these towns are nearly dead.
*Fortunately the grocery store was open where we enjoyed some pretty good fried chicken from the deli.
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