Friday, May 1, 2009

Another pistachio day (Scott City, KS)

The weather was supposed to be better today, but it turned our to be worse. Colder and higher wind gusts mainly out of the east, the direction we've been trying to go. We actually got the bike loaded and ready this morning, but then a couple of blasts from the wind wiped away our verve. So it was back into the B&B for another day of reading and eating pistachio nuts (I am an addict).

Some of you may wonder why we are reluctant to ride into strong head winds. The answer is that it's because it is about as much fun as getting gum stuck in your hair. Most cyclists would rather ride uphill and/or in the rain anytime rather than ride into a significant wind. There are the physical aspects, of course - having to pedal harder and longer (including downhill often), wind burned skin, having to shout to communicate, etc.* More significant is the toll a strong head wind. It just wears your spirits down like a constant string of bad news delivered by someone you didn't like to begin with. Before long you start thinking about "Plan B", which may include trying to find a dumpster to heave the bike into. So that's why we are still stuck at mile #289. (As the character played by Jeff Goldblum in The Big Chill said: "nothing beats a juicy rationalization").

*I read somewhere that 60% of the work riding a bicycle is cutting through the wind. That figure actually seems low to me.

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